Tttt - TromboGENE

Development and production ELISA and PCR kits

№ 400-05


PCR Diagnostic Kits


Diagnostic kit «TromboGENE» is aimed for genetic diagnostics of hereditary trombophilia as well as the evaluation of a risk of a deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary artery thromboembolism.

The most important risk factors of hereditary trombophilia development are single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) +1691G/A in F5 gene (Leiden mutation), which leads to fibrin accumulation and development of a blood clot, and SNP + 20210G/A in F2 (prothrombin) gene, that enhances the gene expression, which by-turn leads to a prothrombin concentration extension in blood as well as blood clots active development.

Analysis of SNP’s in F5 and F2 genes is made by means of Real-Time PCR. 

Analysis is intended for:
Patients with family anamnesis of thrombosis;
Women planning pregnancy;
Patients before operative surgical intervention;
Patients who had been diagnosed with thrombosis or embolism at the age under 50;
Patients who had first episode of thrombosis localized non-typically;
Repeatable episodes of thrombosis and embolis in anamnesis;
Patients who had first episode of thrombosis associated with pregnancy, childbirth, taking oral contraceptives, hormonal substitution therapy;
Women who had spontaneous abortion in second or third trimester of pregnancy for unknown reasons;
Prevention of thrombotic complications in case of oral contraceptives taking or hormonal substitution therapy planning;
Prevention of thrombotic complications in case of continuous immobilization.