Tttt - Multi DNA Extraction

Development and production ELISA and PCR kits

№ 400-20

Multi DNA Extraction

DNA extraction


Isopropanol DNA extractionis a widely spread method of sample preparationbased on the nucleic acid aggregation with salt and spirit. This method is notable for its easiness, rapidity and purity of the obtained DNA.

Diagnostic kit «Multi DNA Extraction» is aimed for quick and effective DNA extraction from blood serum/plasma, whole blood, dried blood, saliva, urine, epithelial cell scrapes from cervical canal and urethra for further examination including Real-Time PCR.

«Multi DNA Extraction» is the only registered diagnostic kit in Russia which allows to extract DNA from dried blood samples!

Test destination:      

  • DNA extraction before carrying out molecular-genetic diagnostics;
  • DNA extraction before infectious agents detection.

Principle of the analysis:

Processing of a sample with a lysis buffer and following spirit precipitation.

Characteristics of the test:

  • Analyzed bioassay: samples of blood serum/plasma, whole blood, dried blood, saliva, urine, epithelial cell scrapes from cervical canal and urethra
  • Number of tests: 96
  • Duration of the procedure: 35-40 min
  • Storage conditions: (+2°С) – (+8°С)
  • Shelf life: 12 months